Monday, November 28, 2016

Marketing Decision Making

Developing a new product in the market may require intense planning and evaluation especially for the products that are totally new to the consumers. Many products have been released in the market, however not all of those are able to reach the maturity stage. Some products are able to get the brand loyalty of the consumers while some have failed even in the introductory part. Apparently, marketing plan is necessary before the product is introduced in the market. Proper evaluation should be done in order to have an organized activity while the product is in the market.

Effective Campaign for "Doggie Read and Do" 

The possible problems that the product and the company may encounter in the future should be addressed earlier to avoid conflicts once it is released in the market. The plans and strategies in endorsing the product to its target market need to be evaluated in order to gain high brand recall and recognition. Communications channels The product that will be launched in the market is totally neophyte because people with pet like dogs usually teach the animals even without guidelines.

The company that produces "Doggie Read and Do" needs to evaluate if it will be endorsed to the market through the use of traditional or nontraditional advertising technique to gain brand awareness. "Doggie Read and Do" is expected to reach its target market and gain the expected market share at the expected time. In this part, all the types of communication channels will be assessed and analyze which one will be better for the product. 

Pros and cons: Advertising.

In advertising "Doggie Read and Do", the company may experience the advantages of faster relationship with the target market, however a more expensive way of reaching the client. Advertising a product through television, radio, and newspapers may be a very effective way because most of the people are heavily exposed to mass media sources. The people will definitely become aware of the existence of this new product in the market as fast as the company is expecting. However, advertising may get a large portion of the company's budget because advertising needs enough financial allocation in order to be effective.

Moreover, advertising may trigger an intense competition because it may lead to creation of same products that can be competitors of "Doggie Read and Do". Apparently, this kind of product needs to be established in the market first by creating brand loyalty before the innovation of same products from other companies. Pros and cons: Direct Marketing. This process may also be effective though it is considered as nontraditional. The use of internet for endorsing the product may also be one of the fastest ways because most of the people nowadays are technologically acquainted.

Through telemarketing, email, and direct mail, the product may immediately reach the target market. Aside from that, this technique will not cost too much budget for the company and will take a shorter time to create brand awareness. Although, this strategy may seem effective, it may also cause conflict in establishing the product in the marketplace. Even though most people have their own email addresses and telephone numbers, the company still has no assurance that the product will easily gain brand recognition if the product has no effective concepts to get the attention of the consumers.

Aside from that this may cause trouble to the target consumers who are not always interested in product endorsement though email and telephone. Moreover, the company will not have an assurance of the number of consumers that will respond to the promotion technique. Pros and cons: Sales Promotion. Point of purchase displays, raffles, and rewards are considered as sales promotion. Most of the companies are doing this kind of strategy in order to create consumers' demand. This kind of technique can be directed to consumers or retailers of the product.

Apparently, this strategy may get the attention of the consumers because of the rewards that they may get upon purchasing the product. Since "Doggie and Read Do" is neophyte in the market, it needs strong brand awareness in order to reach the growth stage. However, this technique may only cause limited time of brand recall because the product that the company is selling would be used by the consumer for a long period of time. In other words, this communication channel needs a strong and creative concept if the company that manufactures the product will use it.

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