Thursday, December 15, 2016

Creative Art, Research, and Perception

To meet and satisfy the needs and wants of target customers is what marketing in business aspires for. It involves the study of consumer behavior. Creative art in business marketing would play a good role in the field of consumer behavior and research. There are seven characteristics of good marketing research: 

1. Scientific method
2. Research creativity 
3. Multiple methods 
4. Interdependence of models and data 
5. Value and cost of information 
6. Healthy skepticism 
7. Ethical marketing  

In research creativity, this is where creative art would come into play. Innovative ways are formed in the involvement of many aspects of marketing research. For instance, coming up with solutions to a problem such as consumers’ demand require creative genius. The think tank team of the marketing department would need to come up in developing new products or features, etc. Advertisement in capturing a targeted market would also need creativity. A very good example of this is from Levi Strauss & Company as cited by Courteny Kane.

Its illustrated ads appealing to hip-hop and rap culture featured the statement “It’s bangin’ son,” which means “cool,” and teenagers clad in Silver Tab clothing --- baggy pants, hip huggers, Last Name    2 tiny tops --- and wearing accessories such as nose rings, beepers, and chunky gold jewelry. (qtd. in Kotler 165) Four major psychological factors that influence an individual’s buying choices are motivation, perception, learning, and beliefs and attitudes.

How a person perceives something, in this case, a product or service, could help in the marketing research in studying consumer’s behavior. Developing a very good understanding of consumers’ buying decisions plays a key role in achieving one of the main goals of a business:  successful sales through customer satisfaction. Acting on this understanding can be achieved through creative art, in formulating attention-grabber advertisements, and finding new ways in results-oriented research. Some research questions:  What does a consumer need?

What is s/he looking for? What benefits can s/he derive from a certain product that would meet such need? What strategies can a marketer apply in stimulating more interest in their brand and how to go about it? There are limitless opportunities that abound with modernization. An integration of high technology and creativity nowadays can trigger wider capture of consumers’ interest. An example of this is the global use of the internet and virtual reality applications. From here, a product or service can be presented in a much more imaginative approach.

How resourceful the marketing team of a company is in producing novel ideas to draw positive consumer buying decisions is one of the business missions. Conveying properly the desired message of a company to its targeted audience in an effective manner, from its research and application of creative art, is where language functions. Kotler on marketing:  The most important thing is to forecast where customers are moving, and to be in front of them. 

Works Cited 

Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management. New Jersey:  Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 2015.

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